Wednesday, 13 July 2011

On your marks...

It's about 27 hours until I leave to spend 10 weeks working in Uganda, and my to-do list is currently two pages long. It worries me a bit that pretty much everything about this trip was my responsibility, and nobody's been checking that I've sorted everything I should. I think all the really important stuff is done - I have a passport, all my vaccinations are up-to-date from last time I went, the transport is all booked, I know where I'm staying... well, I know the rough area I'm going to anyway! As my dad says, what could possibly go wrong?! And as my heavenly Father says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Hooray!

If you want to know what I'll be doing while I'm out there, I suggest reading this page, because I don't know a whole lot more than that. In my discussions with the volunteer coordinator, he suggested that I should make it known to students at the school that I can tutor them in maths, physics, chemistry and biology, as well as how to use the computers. As well as that I'm particularly interested in helping with the health projects and the "women empowerment program", but we'll see what happens when I get there. I think God's got some ideas of what he wants me to do so I'll have to wait to find out.

I don't know what my access to the internet will be like when I'm out there but I'll try to check e-mails and blog fairly regularly. I'm also hoping to get hold of a mobile phone so I might be able to send and receive text messages but that might cost a lot. Please feel free to send me e-mails about anything at all, I would love to keep up-to-date with how everyone at home is doing and even if I can't reply to loads of e-mails individually it will probably help me feel less homesick. Not that I've ever felt badly homesick before, but then I've never gone away on my own for 10 weeks to a place where, for over half the time I'm there, I'll be the only mzungu (white person) in the village...

I'm going to stress myself out if I keep thinking about how nervous I actually am so I shall finish here :-)

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